Creekside Wellness Center
& Shoppe
Rev. Dr. Allyn Newton
Traditional Naturopath
Linda Whitworth, P.T.
Amber Flippen - Pilates Instructor
Call us Today! 979-587-3262
"When my daughter, Julia, was 3 months old, she broke out with a severe case of eczema all over her body. After hitting dead ends with many doctors and dermatologists, a friend referred me to Dr. Allyn Newton. With Dr. Allyn's services, along with getting my daughter's diet in gear, we saw tremendous improvement in her eczema inflamed skin! One year later, I then discovered Ava Anderson Non Toxic, which was just another important piece to Julia's healing and recovery. I faithfully lathered her skin with the avaBODY Dream Cream, used avaKIDS shampoo/body wash and switched to avaHOME laundry pods. These revolutionary nontoxic products have changed our lives!"
Pure Haven Essentials (PHE) Products
We are excited to offer Pure Haven Essentials (formerly Ava Anderson's Non Toxic) products in our Wellness Center!
"At Pure Haven Essentials, it is our responsibility and mission to educate consumers about ingredient information that is harmful to you, but can still be included in your personal and home products."
Always true to PHE ideals, they develop and produce cutting-edge, SAFE products to the highest performance standards.
Please click here to learn more about these fantastic products! You can purchase products online through the link or come by the office to choose from our selection. If you are interested in getting a group together to learn more about harmful chemicals that may be in products you use, please let us know!
Amber F, College Station, TX